A photoblog devoted to beautiful girls, incredible poses and forgettable text. Yeah, just like Playboy. Only with Taekwondo.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Master 1 (41-50 years) is a border division where a few veteran athletes still stand out from a crowd of (sadly) former athletes. Most competitors have lost their flexibility, and their best kicks with it. Niina Virtala is not among them. Born in Finland in 1970, she recently welcomed her 40s by winning the 2011 Poomsae national competition for regions in Italy, where she lives now. Then she proceeded to climbing up the European A-class rankings, by dominating both the Finnish Open Poomsae and Austrian Open Poomsae this late spring. However, borders are complicating her road to international glory. Being Finnish, she cannot enter the Italian national team. Vice versa, living in Italy has so far prevented her from entering the Finnish team. But she's determined to storm into it. And as long as she keeps winning and displaying rock solid high kicks, doing without her will become harder and harder for her country. By the way, Niina, it's such a joy to train you, but please stop mixing hot rice and cucumbers, in Italy you can get arrested for that.

1 comment:

  1. Rice and any vegetables are great food, keep the muscles flexible.... ;) too much meat is no good, and by the way, Cryu, beer is not a suitable drink for true athletes....!!
